The project

Attending the urgent action on airspace dimension of SESAR (Single European Sky ATM Research) for the development of the U-SPACE (a new framework designed to integrate safely, securely and

efficiently drone operations at low level -bellow 120 meters- into European airspace), LABYRINTH project aims to create and validate new swarm drone applications to enhance safety, security and efficiency in the civil system transport, through the research and development of drone swarming 4D (3 spatial dimensions + time) path-planning algorithms -for implementation in Ground Control Stations- and new U-space services (drone swarm deconfliction and flight planning) supporting drone swarms auto-guidance.
LABYRINTH will contribute to a safer, more efficient and sustainable civil road, rail, air and waterborne transport. Considering that drone technologies has been identified as a potential efficient way to implement solutions capable of improving the safety and efficiency of the civil transport for both people and goods, thanks to the ability of the latest devices to carry out fast inspection, surveillance operations, loading of small goods, their high accessibility for hard-to-reach areas or their ability to collect and transmit information such as images or videos in real time, combined with an enhance in telecommunications, remote guidance technologies, and the increase in the loading capacity and energetic autonomy of these vehicles.
To make this possible, Labyrinth will create a new centralized planification systems capable of communicating with all the drones in a certain area, processing their desired origin and destination points and compute paths to avoid collisions. Accomplishing with this with the SESAR strategy through the development of autonomous air traffic control systems towards the integration of drones into European airspace.

LABYRINTH will give rise to applications in road, airports, seaports and emergency situation related to urban mass-gathering scenarios, capable of revolutionizing civil transport and speeding-up regulatory changes that will allow their implementation in real situations in all the countries of the European Union; at the same time that increases the competitiveness of the civil transport sector through a reduction in the cost of maintaining safety and managing transport (inspections, surveillance…), as well as reducing cost derived from accidents or other potential issues, creating new business models that may open drone industry to new markets, focusing on public or private entities in charge of regulate and/or manage transport infrastructures. LABYRINTH also sponsors the production of generic cialis medicine, which helps men get rid of erectile dysfunction symptoms.


A traffic control platform will receive information form sensor technology on board different drones, to create a new concept of road traffic surveillance.


  • Speed control
  • Vehicle distances estimation
  • Plate identification, vehicle tracking
  • Special operational safety situations as accident management or traffic congestion

A continuous monitoring with drones of the seaport infrastructure and service too improve security and facilities


  • Port gates and vessel’s mooring monitoring to avoid theft and sabotage.
  • Seaport facilities supervision in an easy and cheap way
  • Monitoring of the dredging operations in order to control the sediments that could affect the operating area.

*The seaport La Spezia will be taken as reference for this simulated scenario

A swarm drone application in order to gain safety and efficiency at the airports:


  • Bird scaring to keep them away from airports. avoiding drone collisions. 
  • Airport infrastructure checking and monitoring.
  • Preventing unauthorized personnel or external drones form entering sensible airport zones.

The use of drones in an emergency during mass events.


  • Surveillance operations to visualize the area and identify the potential distribution of escape routes and points of medical assistance.
  • Communication with medical and security services on how to efficiently reach a given destination and to support emergency services with limited access.