The European Project LABYRINTH has been launched this June. The project will be executed by 13 European entities from Spain, Germany, Austria, Italy and Belgium: Carlos III University of Madrid, Expace on Board Systems, DLR, DGT, Telefonica I+D, INTA, Eurocontrol, DIN, PONS road safety, The Authority of the Port System of the Eastern Ligure Sea, Madrid City Council SAMUR, AIT and innComme. These organizations together, will investigate around the optimization of drone traffic, to facilitate its circulation in highly densified areas and promote its use on traffic and emergency management.
The use and traffic of drones is increasing. It is estimated that in 2035 in Europe there will be around 400.000 unmanned aircraft. The challenge will be to manage drones in cities and other areas sensitive to be congested. In this scenario, the current traffic management will not be enough to avoid collision and other problems derived from air congestion. For this reason, LABYRINTH will investigate a new centralized planning system that can establish communication with all the active drones on a given area and detect its direction layout to calculate alternative routes to avoid collisions.
LABYRINTH aims to focus its efforts on providing an optimal drone traffic service to improve the safety and efficiency of civil land, sea, and air transport, as well as improve the execution of emergency and rescue operations. To commit this ambitious Project, the 13 partners will be working during 3 years on the design and development of applications that will revolutionize the traffic of drones and accelerate changes in the actual European regulation. This advance will have a huge range of applicability opening the drone industry to new markets.